Embodied Prayer: March 3rd

Embodied Prayer Song: Sweet Hour of Prayer, Desmond Pringle

Be intentionally about allowing this time of embodied prayer to call you away from all your cares, concerns and circumstances. Take and make the time to beckon to the throne of grace and dance at His feet without abandon. Make all your prayer wants and needs known to the father. In whatever season you find yourself in allow your soul to find relief in God. Allow this time to comfort you and give you peace for the day ahead as you release in His presence. Experience the sweet essence of the Holy Spirit, this is a sweet hour of prayer.

Dancing Again in Spirit and Body!

Watch Replay Here

Dr. Sarita Wilson

Rev. Dr. Sarita Marie Wilson is a native of Hampton, VA, and currently resides in Memphis, TN. She is an Itinerant Elder in the African Methodist Episco­pal Church, and is an associate minister of Saint Andrew African Methodist Episcopal Church. Dr. Sarita is an anointed and gifted spiritual leader who lives according to Romans 12:1 by presenting her body as a living sacrifice to God through the ministries of preaching and dance.




Dancing Away Depression