Resilient, no-nonsense, independent, overcomers, driven, tenacious, reserved and with great emotional restraint, empowered and a balanced responsibility to carry her own burdens and the responsibility to take care of everything and everybody with a smile on her face. One who never tires and never complains. A woman who is focused and courageous.

It’s a complex unspoken code that almost every sista knows – The legend of being a strong black woman.  By birth, it’s a circle of sisterhood we join without every having to apply for, or pledge.  We gain automatic acceptance by virtue of our gender and the color of our skin.  We are one with ourselves, each other and our community.  We are strong black women.

We are black women. But strong? Are we really? By whose definition? Societies? White Americas? Our own? What makes us strong?

Are we strong because we keep going and going until our health starts to fail?

Are we strong because we work twice as hard to get half as much?

Are we strong because we show up and sometimes have to show out just to be seen and heard?

Are we strong because it appears as though we can take whatever is thrown at us?

Are we strong because our pain isn’t visible?

Are we strong because someone or something else has pre-defined our individual and collective strength forcing us to wear a mask of how they define strength just so we can survive.

Strong black women – we wear the masks

Hiding and denying our deepest emotions and vulnerable feelings to prevent appearing weak

We wear the mask- pretending everything is ok, when all hell is breaking lose in our hearts and souls

We wear the mask – bearing the burdens of generations both before and after us

We wear the masks until we can’t even remember who we truly are

We wear masks dissolving our authentic selves into an illusion of who someone else – including ourselves- thinks we are instead of who God created us to be …

Hey … you!

Yes, YOU!

It’s time!

The one trying to hide, comparing yourself to others, shrinking back when God calls you forward

You, the one doubting the direction the Spirit has spoken to you

No more procrastinating

Its time

Come out of your comfort zone into the greater that awaits

Take the mask of and unveil your authentic self

It time to live in the fullness and authenticity of who God created you to be

You were created to rise, to shine and to live in the abundance of God’s glory, God’s goodness and God’s grace

It’s time to take off the mask of who they say you are and reveal who you are in Christ

Fearfully and wonderfully made – even through your tears and trauma. Even through your fragility and brokenness – even through your pain and sorrow

You are real

Your are visible

We see you. Now, look in the mirror – Do you see you?

Unlayer, unmask, unveil and receive YOU!

Dr. Sarita Wilson

Rev. Dr. Sarita Marie Wilson is a native of Hampton, VA, and currently resides in Memphis, TN. She is an Itinerant Elder in the African Methodist Episco­pal Church, and is an associate minister of Saint Andrew African Methodist Episcopal Church. Dr. Sarita is an anointed and gifted spiritual leader who lives according to Romans 12:1 by presenting her body as a living sacrifice to God through the ministries of preaching and dance.




Embodied Prayer: March 3rd