Embodied Prayer: March 4th

Day 4

Saturday March 4

Scriptures: Psalm 63:1; Matthew 6;6a; Mark 1:35

Embodied Prayer Song: One on One, Zacarti Cortez

One on One
Every relationship whether a marriage, dating or a friendship requires intimate time to cultivate and nurture. Even families must share quality time together. It is not selfish to separate yourself from others to fellowship one on one with those you love. God desires that same sacrifice of time. God wants us to know him as intimately as He knows us. Sometimes we have to press past the demands of the world and spend some quality time, one on one with God. This is the only way we can know Him. This is how we grow deeper in our relationship. This is how we draw near. Listen as God calls you into His presence. Give God your time … the time you give to other relationships and things in your life are nothing without time with Him Quiet yourself. Steal away. Offer yourself as a living sacrifice. God wants your undivided time and attention. He is worth it!

Watch the Replay Here

Dr. Sarita Wilson

Rev. Dr. Sarita Marie Wilson is a native of Hampton, VA, and currently resides in Memphis, TN. She is an Itinerant Elder in the African Methodist Episco­pal Church, and is an associate minister of Saint Andrew African Methodist Episcopal Church. Dr. Sarita is an anointed and gifted spiritual leader who lives according to Romans 12:1 by presenting her body as a living sacrifice to God through the ministries of preaching and dance.
